You can find Archestra License Manager installation files on the Wonderware ActiveFactory 9.2 installation CD and the Wonderware Information Server 3.0 installation CD. Includes the license forĪctiveFactory 9.2 and Wonderware Information Server 3.0 – Concurrent, Named Device, or Named User. ArchestrAServer.lic: New license file installed on computer selected as the license server.ArchestrA.lic: New license file for new versions of Wonderware products starting with Active Factory 9.2Īnd Wonderware Information Server 3.0 Per Device, installed on the local system.
This includes InTouch® 9.5, InBatch 8.0, and InSQL 9.0, installed on the local system. WWSuite.lic: License file for older versions of Wonderware FactorySuite 2000 and FactorySuite A2 generation products.There are 3 types of license files in the new Wonderware licensing system: The software is designed to integrate seamlessly with other Wonderware products, making it a powerful and versatile tool for managing complex operations. The software is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate, with a range of customizable features that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each business or organization. Wonderware Intouch License is a software license that provides users with access to a range of tools and features that enable them to effectively manage their operations.